Therapeutic Massage

  • Free postural assessment with your first appointment

  • Wide range of treatments

  • Bespoke treatment plans

The benefits of Therapeutic Massage

  • Optimises performance

  • Decreases muscle tension and pain

  • Increases muscle tone

  • Encourages a good range of movement (ROM) in your joints

  • Removes toxins

  • Allows the therapist to assess for injury or tissue damage

  • Relieves muscle cramp or spasms

  • Increases blood flow to tissue

Available treatments

  • Sports Massage - for pain relief and to maximise performance

  • Full postural assessment

  • Repair soft tissue imbalances

  • Assisted stretching / Stretching instruction

  • Exercise prescription

  • Restoring normal movement patterns

  • Improving mobility

  • Instrument aided soft tissue mobility

  • Taping

  • Myofascial release

  • Gait analysis (for all athletes, runners or Nordic Walkers)

  • Manual handling instruction and assessment for individuals and organisations



We understand with a busy life it’s sometimes unavoidable to cancel a treatment. Please give 24 hours notice for a cancellation or we may not be able to refill the booking. Late cancellations and non attendance usually incur a charge.