• Therapeutic Massage

    Would you like to benefit from feeling you have greater flexibility, unrestricted movement and have help with controlling any pain? Find out more and book directly.

  • Fitness Walking

    As Brand Ambassadors for Nordic Walking UK, we offer fitness walking in friendly groups for all abilities. You are always welcome to join us.

  • Tai Chi

    The focus of our group Qigong sessions is relief from stress, relaxation and the provision of a gentle but effective form of exercise which improves balance and muscle tone.

  • Personal Development

    A Personal Development Coach can help you identify those parts of your life that are not working for you. They will improve your confidence and provide a path towards greater contentment.

Would you like a better Life Balance? We can help.

Mike Neary
Life Balance - Owner

The story behind Life Balance
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First Aid or Health & Safety Training with METT
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